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Heroes Uprising - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heroes Uprising   Heroes Uprising - Page 11 I_icon_minitimeMon Jun 04, 2012 9:06 pm

"At the President Oliver Dimension."

Simon: What...where...where are we?! Where's Keeth?
Erica: It appears we were ported somewhere. And soundly defeated

"Peter disappears, and after a few seconds"

Peter. This isn't our world...we got send to another dimension somewhere. We need to figure out a way out of here fast!
Gil: Ledge...


"Back at the mansion, James and Molly are left completely blind sided. Deadpool who had stayed behind, is grimacing under his mask"

Deadpool: So...this is serious
James: As serious as this is every going to get...motherfucker! Molly can you find them? Where did Mordecai sent them?!


Yamairo: Well...can't find out stay here right? Lets get back. Don't talk to me irom now on unless absolutely necessary. James has most likely set up a psionic grid to link all the team together and even if they can't sense you they'll notice me talking to myself...and thank you for your help

"Yamairo takes a bow at Kronos, as the titan disappears, probably back inside him"

Yamairo: Lets go then

"Yamairo teleports. He finds it naturally easy to teleport back to the Watchtower."

Yamairo: Sorry I was away...what I miss?

"Aaron is still working and finally, after awhile, pops his head up from the control panel"

Aaron: Alright, I set it up. Milo, Thanos, Ruth, whatever, I need SOMEONE to cloak the satellites I am about to launch into space from Stark Tower and my LA mansion. I set up a grid with pre existing satellites...which are probably going to get blown clean out of the sky but SHOULD at least hold to triangulate the beam at whatever target we have. We have at most 3-4 shots in this. Powerful enough to blown a hole right through the Earth whatever you guys wanna do with this...I'm game

Yamairo: Lovely...holes in the Earth. James, if you can hear me, sync me with the psy network
Filipe: Alright we got something. Yama, nice to have you back. Alright now
Ruth: The portal's finished...incoming

"High above the Earth, the portal finishes stabilizing, and something comes speeding out of it"

RS: What was...
Zed: Those? Those are the people that are going to wreck this dimension. I got nothing on them to be honest. Mordecai, you can have Oscorp. Although given what's about to happen, I don't know if you want to stay here. Just leave the Designate on your way out

"Amber lands back on the platform"

Zed: Hmm...RS, get Shawkun to turn her back. Then if it CAN be done, turn the Ghosty against her so I can have a bit more fun at the expense of Molito's friends
RS: Lovely...I'm league with a psycho. Shawkun, you heard him right? Fix Amber, and...Shawkun

"As soon as the portal was finished, Shawkun's eyes had gone full white and he was seemingly shaking with fear"

Zed: Oh right I forgot...the things he felt as a soul empathic on the other side of the portal are coming back to him. Good news is I can do this

"Zed walks up to him, and after focusing on his power, stabilizes his psyche by giving his soul understanding"

RS: Why did he go insane anyway?
Zed: Simple...imagine you can sense and feel the soul of everything around you. Now imagine a world without death, where souls are going rampant, nothing is right, order is flipped turned upside down as it were. Anyone that deeply connected to something like the metaphysical soul would go insane. Unless you make them understand...Shawkun, are you back with us?
RS: World without that what that dimension was? I figured it was just a universe made of cancer...


"Meanwhile, at the Watchtower, 2 of the shadows suddenly crash right through the roof. As everyone gathers themselves, individuals that look like Filipe, Amber. Amber looks around and suddenly conducts a summoning spell, calling forth dozens of tentacle monstrosities with somewhat humanoid bodies"

AlterFilipe: Find the two avatar signals here...captured them now

Filipe: Motherfucker...Milo...explain

"Before anything else can happen, the monstrosities attack"

James: Milo, get Sancho the fuck out of there! Thanos, on guard. The avatars they speak of are the avatars of death. I need someone to come to my location and cover Wade Wilson, we have him

"Yamairo cuts clean through one of the monsters, but it divides into two, the wounds not slowly it down at all"

Yamairo: That would mean...the mansion is about to get attacked too!

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Heroes Uprising - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heroes Uprising   Heroes Uprising - Page 11 I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 10, 2012 7:07 pm

*Zed had appeared to fix Shawkun's psyche as he gave a simple reply before changing Amber back to normal and undoing the effects he made.*

Shawkun: It's done.


*Katy went over to check on Troy and Sean.*

Katy: Where... did you guys come from?
Troy: The void.
Katy: What was you doing in the void?
Troy: Oh nothing much, ya know, out for a stroll. *sigh* We was sent there, what the fuck do you think we was doing in there. Traveler sent us in.
Katy: What did you do to Traveler... actually why are you even back?
Troy: A better question is why do you have so many damn questions.

*Tesla speaks up.*

Tesla: I think it's pretty obvious.
Troy: Tesla, was anyone talking to you?
Tesla: No.
Troy: The fuck off and mind your own business.

*Tesla removed herself from the conversation. She didn't think she said anything, maybe flame boy has just become a asshole.*

Tesla: Well Chu. That's 2 for the pissed off count, apparently.

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Heroes Uprising - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heroes Uprising   Heroes Uprising - Page 11 I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 07, 2012 10:47 pm

"At the X-Force base, the doors blast open and a very familiar figure walks into the room."

James: Deadpool....
DP: Ya got it...we're fucked. Who is it
James: Run

"James pulls out anti mugen weaponry. He cloaks his mind, and then jumps out into the hallway and fires the entire clip at the enemy...Milo, or rather the Alter version of Milo"

James: They just had to send you...didn't they...


"At the X-Mansion, several students are still in the dorms. At the front gate, a blast of wind forces it open. Isabel is already there to meet the foe...but not ready for who the foe is"

"Isabel": You...
AlterIsabel: Oh lovely...I get to kill myself.

"A blast of lightning meets up at the middle as they both fire simultaneously"

"Isabel": Yamairo! Anyone! Whatever is happening, the mansion is under attack by what appears to be Isabel Sepphira. I am unsure on how to proceed


"At the Platform above the planet, Amber is in shook at what she suddenly wakes up to"

Zed: Wakey wakey...
Amber: What...did...
Zed: Oh nothing much. I just had my way with your Second Magic mumbo jumbo. Also I kind of...gained control of your boyfriend here

"Amber suddenly summons the soulsword and vanishes"

Zed:...What? Mordecai?
Mordecai: I'm afraid I forgot to account for the sword...she used the limbo's stepping disks


"Back at the tower, Amber appears above and sees that everything bellow the tower is slowly starting to get overwhelmed by tentacle monstrosities out of a Lovecraft book"

Amber: Anyone there

"Just as she says this, Yamairo cuts right through half the top of the building, as a good piece of it goes crashing down and lands right on top of the horde"

Yamairo: Glad you're back. It seems we have a serious invasion on our hands
Amber: Worse than's an alternate world. There's something strange about it. I sense there's something terrible hiding behind that portal

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Heroes Uprising - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heroes Uprising   Heroes Uprising - Page 11 I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 08, 2012 4:04 pm

Katy: Alright Troy, leave Tesla out of this. You've been flipping flopping so much lately.
Troy: *sigh* Fine, since nobody can figure it out. I've been helping push you towards Joe. I'm not a family man Katy, and I'm tired of you trying to push the idea on me. If Joe thinks he actually won anything, then he's a damn idiot. I know how you really feel and I know I could likely get you back. However your dreams will never come true with me. As for why I left SXM, well I didn't have to much reason to stick around once you and Joe hooked up. Plus, maybe I wanted to get away from the hero scene for a bit... although it seems to keep dragging me back in damnit.

Owned consoles - Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4.

Previously owned - Playstation, Nintendo 64, XBOX, XBOX 360.
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Heroes Uprising - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heroes Uprising   Heroes Uprising - Page 11 I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 09, 2012 2:35 am

Ledge: Because I know how to get out of an alternate universe, I don't have a bag of tricks, with me what you see is what you get,, Ellen what about you miss magic
Ellen: Magic is a bag of tricks, but this is one I don't have damn it. we need to find the Amber of this dimension, hopefully she knows something about the second magic.
Ledge: Yeah..well if this ith e dimenison where Mikey is the head honcho I doubt..seriously
Ellen: Right because a handful of doubt is what we need, at least I got stuck here with my swwiiimon.
Abdul: See at least she apepars to have retained a sense of joy..

"She said hugging Simon, Ledge sighed, having no hope at all, if Ventro's bullshit had been stripped away, that meant they were on their own."
Sirius: He has a point, let that damn rageaholic com at you like that, I'll turn him into a cloud teach him to be calm.
Chulance: Much as he pisses me off sometimes, the Phoenix's husband, we're gonna pick a fight with him.
Sirius: Transmutation, not fighitng.
"Sean was breathing heavilly they'd escaped that Void, was that where fallen gods, lost ideas ended up, what else might be done there frogeotten by humanity and other race.s"

Sean: Holy shit..enough of this shit..listen
Chulance :No you listen Troy, don't fucking talk to my girlfriend liek that ok, I'm already pissed so you need to calm your dumb hot head ass up!

"With that Chu walked over to Troy to shove him forward,, as Sean gathered energy in his hand "

Sean : Guys listen to me damn it! We don't have time to argue beca-

"The tentacled bursts burst into the room, and one appeared that he'd seen Alternate Felicia swelling wtih power, levels Felicia had never reached."

Sean: Ah fuck no
Alt Felicia:Oh lookie here my ex boyfriend, "grins" I get to kill you again for cheating, this should be fun!!

"Her voice echoed, as she id a duplication spell to make more of the tentacle mosnters, while suing a amssive disorienting beam of magical energy on Sean."
Molly: You know how my ability works, I can't find them but I know where they were sent. The last thing on the laptop it says is Mordecai sent them away to an alternate place. I can't connect them with anymore, hte "story" is over. Mordecai is too powerful lfor me to affect, we'll need the Second Magic or some other way of teleporting to an alternate reality, to retrieve them.

"She quickly got up going into the kitchen to grab some water when she heard some commotion, and peaking her head through spotted the face she never thought she'd be afraid to see."

Molly: Ventro
Alt Milo: In the flesh, and yes James they really did need to send me, I'm really the most effecrtive man for any mission, mimicry makes me very versatile.

"Using Teleknesis he sent James flying across the room, as Molly whipped out her gun to open fire, Milo stopped the bullets in mid air then caused them to grumble into dust. Gathering the dust he used kinetic energy to send it flying into Molly, sending her hurtling into the wall."
Milo: I have plenty of abilities for cloaking, magic, psioninc so I have that end covered Aaron. Holes in the earth, reminds of some anime I saw a while back,
Thanos: Anime? You really believe this ia t iem for fictitious tales?
Milo: As good a time as ever, ..fuck..

"Milo felt his eyes going pure white, having Shawkun's ability as well, he fell to his knees, his soul hurt from what he felt."

Cyber: Ventro? VEntro!!!? DAmn it Ventro is down, something happened, his downfall synchornizes with the time of the portal.
Lance: great I'll go in see what happened,
Cyber: Wait we can't risk loosing you, someone needs to accompany Lance into Milo's mind to see what happened. Cloaking, Yamairo you'll have to try to keep them cloaked by bending space or something.
"Keeth jut stood up cracking his neck, gathering hel fire in his hands before making it dissipate, looking at Zed."

Keeth: Hey Boss, where did my bitch run off too? Seems I gotta teach her a lesson
Mordecai: Oscorp is mine thank you.

"Mordecai vanished leaving the Designate tied up in uru chains, and her mind sealed, as he appeared on the Oscorp building, using the second magic him and the building where warped away along with the Osborn family inside."
"At the power Thanos merely gathered immense amount of energy in his hands unleashing a torrent of furry on the beasts, telrporting as some tentcles reached out to him. Using one hand he began firing out energy in the shape of razor sharp disks."

Thanos: Understood Ventro appears to be down for the count, the robot wants someone to go on a journey to the center of the mind with him, orr LAnce since we can't loose our only other guy who can tamper with reality.

"He vanished again reappearing near Sancho, he grabbed a table, transmuting it into a container, then transmuting food inside, then he teleported the room into a random place on earth, transmuting the walls to admantium and vibranium."

Thanos: Alright look, avatars of death are being sought out, as much as I Hate you, they can't get to to you, now then I'll be right back with a friend who's going to make you harder to access

"Thanos vanished reappearing with Karen, who focusing on her power shrunk Sancho along with the container to miniature sizes to the point that if someone stepped o nit there foot wouldn't crush it as it would be too small to apply pressure on it, Thanos then put an energy field around the container."

Thanos: Alright I can take care of myself.
Karen: Ugh..whatever.


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Heroes Uprising - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heroes Uprising   Heroes Uprising - Page 11 I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 09, 2012 2:56 am

"James is still conscious, but just barely"

James: Attention...anyone that can hear me...mansion under attack. Deadpool compromised...need backup. I can't maintain the psy channel if I go out

"Deadpool meanwhile has engaged Milo, opening fire with anti mugen weaponry without much restart and closing distance before pulling out a katana and attempting to slice him"



Filipe: Damn it! Harry. Go to Cyber. Isabel, I want Aya and any student still on campus safe at all costs! You're on your own there. Chulance, take Sirius, Tesla and Troy and get Nightmare the FUCK out of here. Your lives are specs to his! He cannot be compromised! Dave, WAKE UP SANDRA AND TAKE HER TO JAMES POSITION QUICK! We cannot lose Deadpool! Yamairo, Ruth, Amber, and Sean cover the Watchtower. Not a single one of these ve

"Just before he can finish, he dodges a blast of magic. Alter Amber and Alter Filipe have surrounded him"

Alter Filipe: look at that...all leader like
Alter Amber: He's as precious as you...
Filipe: Oh lovely...

"Harry appears near Lance and Cyber"

Harry: You heard the man. I got point! Lance, take us in!


"Meanwhile, Amber has summoned the soulsword and casts a flight spell on herself. Several black magic circles appear around her and she begins to rain down black magic on the tentacles, to little effect"

Amber: The FUCKING bastards just instantly regenerate! We can't keep this up

"Dante, Castiel and Fathae have joined the fight as well, covering up an exit of the Watchtower to try and prevent the beasts from leaving. However, there's simply to many of them. Fathae unleashes a massive blast of energy to clear a good portion of them, but more seemingly spring up

Fathae: Vile creatures...

"Yamairo has changed tactics to teleporting them to other places, mostly suns he can sense around the galaxy"

Yamairo: Cyber, you're cloaked, free to move in.

"Ruth blasts a good amount of beasts, destroying them with heavenly blades. However, even that seemingly cannot kill these beasts"

Ruth: It seems that Death is simply not a variable for these creatures. It does not exist for them. Death will do nothing to them, they are beyond it.


"At the mansion, the battle as taken to the skies. Both Isabels are blasting away at each other, lightning bolts raining down around them"

"Isabel": You have little control...little intent. I can feel nothing but rage from your powers
Alter Isabel: Oh shut your fucking mouth! I am such a disgusting pacifist!

"She blasts real Isabel with a powerful lightning attack, but it's blocked, and then she gets herself pushed back into the ground by a enormous increase in pressure"

"Isabel": You are under the assumption I am you. I am not...I am merely a homunculus with your appearance and memories up until your death. It would appear that you did not die in whatever world you are from...
Alter Isabel: What...bah

"Suddenly, Alter Isabel aims a gigantic lightning bolt at the mansion with the intent to fry everything inside it. Isabel blocks it, but before she can recover the pressure on Alter she gets hit with a massive explosion due to a sudden increase in oxygen and then a spark. She falls to the ground and Alter Isabel finishes by slamming her even harder with air pressure. However, before she crashes and dies, she forms herself a softener that protects her from major impact"

Alter Isabel: You're not half bad...still, third degree burns all over, might as well call it quits.
Aya: You are a very aggressive version of this must be the original to bear her face, the one Yamairo told me about

"Aya as appeared at the front door, carrying her knife, her eyes set on Alter Isabel"

Alter Isabel: Lovely...don't even have to work for it


Simon: Pete?

"Peter quickly takes all of them to Amber's mansion. It's a bit run down, but still standing"

Simon: You think she's still alive? I mean...Mikey supposedly runs this place right?


Zed: Indeed Keeth. Go out and do some damage. Shawkun, I really thank you for your help, but could I ask for one tinsy little favor? Milo appears to have been taken out by the sudden backlash of the universe you were in. Similar to your situation really. Fix him. I want him awake to witness the destruction of his beloved little friendship league.
John: Wait...why? This is a major tactical advantage, without Milo they
Zed: John, please, don't embarrass yourself. They could bring in all of them at once, to means nothing. I do wonder though, what's going to happen with these ruffians from the other world kill Death.

"Zed makes the Designate vanish, possibly hiding her somewhere"

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PostSubject: Re: Heroes Uprising   Heroes Uprising - Page 11 I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 09, 2012 3:27 am

Alternate Milo: Did you really think you had a chance? I have all the powers, I'm the most special. I know you've been jealous, you Filipe, Harry, even Sandra, you all wish you could know how it fees to have unlimited power. Well guess what you never will, because none of you will ever be anything but insignifigant fucks compared to me!!!!

"Alt Milo's hand is icut by the katanna he focuses on the katanna transmuting it into a soft material then snapping it and grabbing Deadpool."

Alt Milo: I know we're I can take you a fun prison.

"He began opening a portal."

Milo: Really they sent you? You died much earlier in my world, for good reason more annoying then

"David quickly gathered Legion's power, and unleashed a massive blast on Milo causing him to be sent through several walls, as he fractured his mind teleporting part of Legion into Milo's mind to invade him while turning to DP, using TK to open up a worm hole."

David: RUN!
Alternate Milo: Enough!

"Using speed manipulation he moved aroud closing the worm hole, expandinh si own, and grabbing David, gathering psioninc energy to punch him a few trimes until he was bloody, then lift him in the air gatherig thermal energy to start boiling his skin, while also gathering nuclear energy."

alt Milo: I'm going to deep fry your bitch ass! Then I'm taking Deadpool, and then our friends are coming to tear all of you apart!
Cyber: I cannot accompany you on this journey, with James down, I'm maintaining the channel as best I can.
Lance: Alright fine whatever
"Lance placed his hand on Milo's forehead, and Harry animating Milo's mind fusing it with their own allowing them to see it."

Lance: Similar to David's power, far less effective but it'll suffice for now, we need to find out what caused him to go into a state of shock, but his more negative memories might be more then we can handle. I'm not use to facing cosmic horrors.
Chulance: Nightmare really we're saving him god damn
Sirius: Just let's move!!!

"Sirius transmuted his body into pure energy, as Chulance took them to nightmare, grabbing him and warping them to a random place on earth, before leaving and returning with Zach, who erected a probability field arou them."

Zach: Set it to super nothig can touch us.
Sirius: As it should be, hopefully it improves my marksmen ships skill as well, TEsla let's get ready for world war 5 billion
Abdul: least the place is in some form..of togetherness?
Ledge: I can smell the beer frm here..
Ellen: "Rolls eye"S Let's juts go boys.

"Ellen used a blast of magic t otear the door open stepping inside."

Ellen :Hello Amber..anyone home?
"Sean was face to face with Alternate Felicia in pain and disoriented, as darkness tenrils began piercing him infini tendril."

Sean :Fuck you can only drain
Alternate Felicia: Pkease I have no one to help me back, I can drain people, and in my world I can drain ppl'll see why soon enogh just give us nightmare, so you can stop experineicng your own
Sean :hhhnhn stop...FElicia stop..
Alternat eFelicia: I'm not the weak bitch you know in you're world you piece of shit, I'm invincible, a goddess I've took care of more of them then Desak!
"Thanos had appeare to join Ruth and them at the defense of the watch tower, unleashing massive blasts f energy"

Thanos: Death not a variable, means nothing, juts that they have an eternity to suffer, if we can't kill them we must change rtactics, iprisonment, immobilization, whatever's neccessary! THere are numerous fates worse then Death! Also the boy has been aken care of. I
"Karen had grown to 3000 feet again back to Genosha joining Luke and the others in hte defense of the mansion easily crushing attackers."

Karen: Nobody fucks with my island!!! Shit..too loud.
"Keeth had been sent to Genosha appearing near Amber and them."

Keeth: Hey baby miss me.

"He grinned as he transformed into Ghost Rider."

Keeth: Why don't you turn some of that roughness towards me, we can do something with it.


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Heroes Uprising - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heroes Uprising   Heroes Uprising - Page 11 I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 09, 2012 3:42 am

Amber: Oh perfect! Zed must have messed with him. Fathae!

"Amber calls forth the Second Magic and then brings her to them"

Amber: Use Excalibur, blast him, knock him out
Fathae: As you wish Amber...but...
Amber: Zed has control of him

"Amber has the soulsword ready. Fathae blasts him with his Excalibur"


Filipe: Damn it!

"Filipe and his alter self are fighting using elemental combat, Cold weather all around the south side of the Watchtower as ice formations appear as we blast each other with ice and freezing attacks"


"Before I can finish, a massive dragu slave completely overtakes me and I'm blasted towards a nearby building"

Alter Filipe: You really SHOOULD take care of yourself. I'll find Nightmare. Get me Sancho
Alter Amber: Is that Keeth fighting
Alter Filipe: I don't care what this dimension has. I just want the 4 Avatars. The Many Angled Ones WILL have their new breading ground

"He disappears, appearing in front of Zach"

Alter Filipe: Helloooo...Zach, Chulance. I'm going to need Nightmare now...


"Ruth begins evacuation of the island as Ice Hands goes down"

Aaron: Damn...

"Aaron is fighting off the tentacle monsters and watches him go down"

Aaron: Anyone that can hear me! Ice Hands is down! Anyone at the mansion, protect the target there. Anyone at the Watchtower, Sean needs backup

Yamairo: I'm about to do something to deal with these monsters. Just hold out a bit longer. Keep the Avatars safe


"Aya joins Luke and Karen"

Aya: Excuse me. We need to defeat that Isabel who has taken down our Isabel. She's dangerous. I appear to be the target


"Amber appears. She seems...old. Older than her other version"

Amber: Who are y...L-Ledge? You're...Mikey...
Simon: Yeah, we're not from around here. We need a spell
Amber: Oh...alternate universe. I...

"She sighs, disheartened"

Amber: I can help you I guess. It's...good to see you



"He pulls out two guns and opens all his dakka on Milo"


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The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.
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Heroes Uprising - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heroes Uprising   Heroes Uprising - Page 11 I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 09, 2012 3:51 am

Troy: Fuck sake. First Void, then you people (referring to Chu etc) and now this.

*The group present got ready to fight, Troy and Chulance squabble abruptly put on hold. Katy is the first to make a move and go straight for a quick finish on Felicia controlling all her bodies blood and using it to active a heart attack. As one fight was starting the 3 heard the call from Filipe. Troy joined in on the attack to roast Felicia.*

Troy: Sean don't hold back. If something was done to her, she can be brought back later.


Shawkun: Hmm, sure.

*Shawkun closed his eyes and connected with Milo's soul over a long distance. He could take the soul himself, but as always when the court is seemingly in his favor, their is a higher threat to be worried about. In this case Zed who has already beaten Milo once. Shawkun repairs the damage to Milo's soul before pulling out.*

Shawkun: It has been done. I trust I am no longer needed here, correct.


*Meanwhile back at er house Sandra woke up from her coma like state, her change with the Phoenix complete, she quickly learns of what has happened while she was out.*

Sandra: David...

*She vanished quickly seeing the alternate Milo about to kill her son. With a simply motion of the hand, Sandra unleashed the flames of the White Phoenix that instantly consumed the alter Milo, destroying him on all levels body and soul. She quickly seen to her son, and healed him of any wounds.*


*Tesla and Sirius was with Chulance and Zach talking as alter Filipe arrived.*

Tesla: Well damn... it's better then having to deal with with Milo anyway.

*Filipe seemed like someone they should be able to deal with, especially with Zach and Chulance here.*

Owned consoles - Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4.

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Heroes Uprising - Page 11 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heroes Uprising   Heroes Uprising - Page 11 I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 09, 2012 1:25 pm

Keeth: Really you think that's going to help Amber? You can't even fight me yourself, you spineless bitch, no wonder Zarathos dosen't like you.

"As the blast him he was sent flying across the current floor, seemingly unconscious. However suddenly he was on his two feet again unleashing a torrent of hellfire on Fathae to burn her soul until it was crisp, and she was comatose."

Keeth: How's that haha! Come on Amber? You gonna let our little friend her get brurned up? Wher'es hte rest of the crew? Really I Feel so lonly?! Dante, Castiel, come out to play too! Zarathos is coming in a minute as well, it's a party now haha!
Zach: Ok wait..when you mean now, do you mean like in a minute, soon, or like right this second, because we still have mlii seconds or know um.
Chulance: No, enough of this BS come on bitch you and me, Sirius get the away.

"Chulance draws his blade and rushes Alter Filipe, while Sirius turned himself, Tesla, Nightmare, and Zach into energy teleporting them to the other side of the planet."

Siirus: Alright good safety here
Zach: As long as my powers allow ithopefully they have trouble finding us damn it.
Cyber: The Watchtower is all mine, I shall defend it.

"Cyber began glowing with immense energy as he teleported into the atmosphere, and unleashed an omnidirectional wave of various forms of energy against the attacking forces."

Cyber: This is the true power of Leven's uttimate weapon!
Karen: Shit, wait Isabel? What the hell can I do agianst..super you, she controls the atmosphere she'll crush my giant ass.! Unless...

"Karen focuses on Alter Isabel shrinking her to 2 inches, while still reminaing giant grasping several tentacled monsters and smushing them in her hands before tossing them."

Karen: This is so nasty..
"Thanos is aiding Ruth fight, a mad titan and and arch angel fighting side by side, as suddenly Thor appears with back up Asgardians, and Castiel reappears with fallen angels, Mjiolner having been used to restore their angelic abilities for a few hours."

Castiel: It feels be back
Konel: Let's just get this over with.
Castiel: Oh the beautiful people are here, Genosha must be the new hollywood.

"Thor twirled Mjolioner before unleashing an anti force blast on the attackers, and grasping the hilt of the hammer allowing it to take him into the sky as he plowed through the opposition."
"Ledge gave Amber a hug, he didn't know what was going on, but President Oliver was horrible, they'd defeated Alternate Mikey."

Ledge: Hey Listen..we'll be back, or at least I Will, I'll gut this Oliver's throat, Mikey's, find whoever you guys can...put this place back together again.
Ellen: Aww herorics
Abdul: I do beleive..this is not quiet the right time for any moutht to be running in such..
Ledge: Enough Amber, just help we need t oget back, we're dealing with some insane shit right now.
"David just hugged his mother, and felt cosmic energies rivieting through her. He felt his eyes glow with the Phoenix insigna if only briefly."

David:'re so did you get so strong?
Molly: OH..

"Molly passed out the power of the Phoenix overwhelming her."
Sean: NO we're not burning her fucking body!!!!

"Sean used a wave of energy to send Troy flying back, rushing over to Felicia to absorb the thermal energy from the fire on her body, clasping her. Whoever was controlling her they'd pay."

Alternate Felica: S..sean..take my hand please..please
Sean: Of course..

"Sean took her hand, and suddenly a transferal of energies was seen, as Alternate Filipe's entered Sean', and vice versa. Sean then stood up smiling, before screaming in immense pain, grabbing Alternate Felicia, and tossing her body into a wall hearing a sickening crunch."

Alt Sean: Oh god mutant power, and magical in the same body, now this is increadible. With his quantum zone and my draining I feel like a god now.

"Alternate Feliia Sean flowed with immense power, and with one blast gathered kinetic energy all around them, and sent it flying at the mansion tearing it apart, while erecting a field around Troy, Katy, and the other heroes in the mansion."

Alt Sean: COME ON FACE ME!?!!!
"Milo suddenly awakened removing Lance and Harry from his head."

Lance: What how
Milo: Long story, just go we have a war to win.

"MIlo leaped up, creating two clones, and all three moved at speeds surpassing light flying unleashing blasts of divine electricity, cosmic flames, and blasts of darkness."

Lance: Damn alright then time for this to end, come on hyperion.


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PostSubject: Re: Heroes Uprising   Heroes Uprising - Page 11 I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 09, 2012 5:06 pm

Alter Filipe: Come on Chu...really?

"Chu slices past his organic body, and suddenly, clones start to appear around Chu, some growing to giant sizes. The air is cold, as Chulance's body adapts to the frostbite he's starting to get"

Alter Filipe: Just hand over Nightmare and the others before I'm forced to bring out powers you little sniveling worms can't even dream of. This dimension will belong to my masters and there's nothing you, or my sickingly innocent alter self can do about it

"Chu starts to feel colder as Filipe prepares to completely freeze him solid, but before he can, all of the clones are wiped away in heavenly fire and the original is blasted into a wall, steam coming"

Alter Filipe: What...G-Gally

"Gally and Stella, with Rachel running to keep up, seemingly saw the battle from afar and came to lend Chulance a hand"

Gally: You are not Filipe still step away from this member of the Shadow League or I will do this to you again.
Rachel: Get back here you two! Chulance! You alright

"Alter Filipe looks at his other self's family before disappearing."


"As Alter Isabel gets shrunk, she begins to evac. Aya cuts through tentacle monsters, and while they don't die, they are unable to reattach themselves or regenerate"

Aya: There appears to be too many of them here. One can imagine what the Watchtower is like. Miss giant! Find our Isabel! She crashed somewhere in that area and she may be seriously injured

"Isabel is still down


"Yamairo finishes focusing. Suddenly, all the tentacle monsters are teleported high into the air, forming a large orb above the watchtower as Yamairo keeps them in place with space"

Yamairo: Now the hard part...

"Then, using space manipulation, he rends the space at the center and creates a gravity singularity, sucking them all into a small black hole before closing it instantly. He nearly passes out from the strain, but once it's done nothing remains"

Yamiro: Yama to all points...threat neutralized...


"Meanwhile, Alter Amber realizes that both Milo and Alter Isabel have been defeated"

Alter Amber: Sigh...I told them to be careful, but does anyone listen to the eldritch summoner. NOOOO

"Alter Amber conducts one final summon...forth erupts a gigantic monster, similar to the smaller ones but on a much larger scale"

Alter Amber: You can't trust anyone, you have to do EVERYTHING yourself.

"Portals open up around the summon before tentacles go forth. Deadpool, Nightmare and Aya are all 3 captured instantly before anyone around them can do anything, and pulled in, and then absorbed into the beast"

Yamairo: AYA!

"Yamairo is too tired to actually fight at this point"

Ruth: And there seemed to be others as would seem we failed miserably here. Thanos, retire yourself immediately before

"Just as she's considering this, a massive blast of cosmic power overwhelms them both. Ruth goes flying towards the watchtower and crashes clean through it. Meanwhile Thanos had managed to stay up, and before him appears the Silver Surfer, or well, the Alter one. He's consumed in a symbiote, similar to Carnage"

Alter Surfer: Thanos! YOU WILL BE CONSUMED!


"Amber just sighs at Keeth"

Amber: If we ever get married, we're going to have to talk about this in therapy.

"Amber suddenly teleports them both into limbo"

Amber: Alright then mister Blaze. Welcome to my own personal Hell. Lets see if we can get that nasty Shawkun stink out of you...

"Dante has managed to climb to the roof and evacuate Fathae by turning into a demon"

Dante: Castiel! Can you hear me! I need some help here!


Amber: T-thank you. Anyway, I can make a quick teleportation spell. Is anyone of you a magic user? I do need some coordinates of some kind. Otherwise I can't really help.
Simon: What about that Second Magic thingy?
Amber: S-what? I'm sorry, I don't know what that is. These days I'm just a regular mage. I lost the charge of Sorceress Supreme years ago...

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PostSubject: Re: Heroes Uprising   Heroes Uprising - Page 11 I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 09, 2012 5:35 pm

Tesla: Although he has the edge with his power, I hope that Chulance be careful. If that Ice Man clone is as clever as the Filipe we know, he won't go down easy.

*Nightmare decided to stay out of the conversation. Though what a nice twist it was that all this has become. He's enjoyed the unfolding so far.*


Sandra: It's a long story son, I'll tell you when this is all over. However the task at hand is far from over. This Milo was a alternate world version, their are others out their.

*She got info on the alternate versions quickly, she mentioned being back and had taken care of the Milo version. She could tell the Isabel version also seemed to be contained, getting Karen's thoughts as she updated herself on everything she's missed.*


Troy: Damnit SEAN!!

*Troy had to try to get out of this somehow. He hoped he had enough control to do this, he figured if he escaped the Void. He gathered as much Phoenix energies as he could and unleashed a attack that managed to puncture the barrier trapping him. It created a big enough hole for a escape which he took. Now that he was free he had to somehow find a way to deal with Felicia having control of Sean's body.*

Troy: Well fuck...

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PostSubject: Re: Heroes Uprising   Heroes Uprising - Page 11 I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 09, 2012 7:10 pm

"As Felicia is screaming her dominance, she gets blasted a light attack that sends her crashing past the floor, putting a few more dents on the Watchtower. Aaron and Harry, with Lance following arrive on the scene"

Harry: Hey Flames! Alright shit's gone south really badly..

Aaron: Icey is down, Yama is too tired to move. Amber has taken Keeth god knows where. Milo is back up, Ruth is out...their Surfer is alive and here. According to Thanos and the psy channel he's taken over by a symbiote. I'll go update the armor with sound weaponry in my workshop and head for support. You guys handle that Felicia...
Harry: Obviously she isn't down yet...shit's never easy.
Aaron: One last thing...they have 3 of the 5 targets. Only Sancho and Thanos remain.

"Aaron flies off"

Harry: Shit has gone south...

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PostSubject: Re: Heroes Uprising   Heroes Uprising - Page 11 I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 08, 2012 10:11 pm

Keeth: Yeah, therapy in HELL!!! Huh of course baby we can never fight on an even playing field, you always need the advantage.

“Keeth says knowing it’s basically Amber’s game now being in limbo or wherever she’d brought them, sending out waves of hell fire, while Castiel teleported near Dante unleashing holy energy on some of the abominations.”

Castiel: Fighting side by side with a demon, I continue to fall deeper.
“Chulance shivered, heating up, and stands up dropping his blade it would be of no use against Alter Filipe. But at least he had Gally on his side now.”

Chulance: So you let your daughter fight with us now? Haha, I’m fine I’ll adapt, but this guy won’t be after I’m done.
Karen: GOTCHA!

“She kneels down at her size she can see almost the whole area, and kneels down to scoop Isabel up, shaking her softly.”

Karen: “Quitely” Isabel Isabel wake up
Thanos: Really because
Milo: Fuck it.

“Milo motions at Thanos, and he’s disintegrated, his soul absorbed into Milo, then removed via the Second Magic”

Milo: Alright there you’re one Avatar of Death Short, also Death..please..please don’t hold that against me..I can get him back..I hope, well not really. “On Psi Channel” I Didn’t kill THanos, he can’t die, I replaced his soul with another one, then sent that soul to another dimension, and Sancho is hidden rpetty good I used Dracarot’s ability to add an extra barrier of protection from him, but I’m putting his location in the channel. Hopefully their Amber takes time to go after THanos, so we have time to deal with the rest of them, but If they get to Thanos Sancho is all that’s left.
Ellen: This is just not right, I’m a magic user and I can help.

“Ellen does what she can to help Amber.”
Sirus: FUCK we lost nightmare..
Zach: Ahaha..i never thought we’d be sad to loose him lol..
Sirisu: It’s not all
Zach: I know..T_T.
David: Ok ,,my mama is just like..omg this is just like DBZ..when Goku..became a super saiyan!
“Felicia in Sean is burned by Troy’s Phoenix energies as they rush into her after Harry’s attack, but she smiles standing up”

Alt Felicia: I hope you bitches know that if you hurt me? You’re huting Sean, are you willing to kill your friend? I’ve just placed a binding spell on him, if I die he dies, and if he dies his soul he’s going to be tormented for so many years..few million to the point his soul will wish it could be torn apart? So come on Phoenix!!!!

“She gathered various energies forming a near impenetrable field, also draining energy from Troy, and Harry while using a powerful spell to cause immense pain to their minds as if someone was drilling through their head.”


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PostSubject: Re: Heroes Uprising   Heroes Uprising - Page 11 I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 08, 2012 10:33 pm


"Harry loses control and blasts Felicia with a Solar Flare to try and stop the spell"


"Isabel slowly opens her eyes"

"Isabel": I appear to have...a few broken bones. I cannot fight any longer. Take me to William if you can...


"Amber easily dodges Keeth's attack, before finishing with with slashing him across the chest with the soul sword. She then places her hand to his chest before he can recover from the attack"

Amber: I call forth the Second Magic...remove Shawkun's influence from this soul

"Amber's powers supplemented by limbo, a bright light engulfs them as she purges Keeth of Shawkun's influence. Keeth falls to his knees"

Amber: Keeth! You alright?


Dante: Yeah yeah...damn Yama managed to take them out but now there's that...giant thing. We gotta take that thing out...


"As Milo is communicating with the others, Silver Surfer blasts him in the face with a cosmic energy attack, before moving at FTL speeds and constantly punching him, with one final uppercut and and an energy blast meant to rend him at the atomic level soon following him upwards"


Gally: He is no longer present. He has retired himself from this place. We should go towards the Watchtower, an eldritch horror has been summoned there and is holding 3 humans vital to this conflict
Rachel: Where is...
Gally: Filipe Costa is currently unconscious near the Watchtower. He is alive, no immediate threat.
Stella: I'll retrieve him. Galadriel, go help fight the beast
Rachel: Now wait just a second the

"Before Rachel can stop either of her "daughters", Gally disappears and Stella jumps onto a nearby roof before running along them towards the battle"

Rachel: Fucks sake...I suck at being a parent...


"Amber works with Ellen, and quickly finishes"

Amber: A-alright, this should work. If the coordinates are correct, you'll be taken home
Simon: Nice!
Amber: T-thank you. Stay safe.


"Meanwhile, elsewhere, in what seems to be a Watchtower, not ours, but a perverted version. The skies are red, Genosha stands desolated and destroyed, AlterFilipe stands alone in a conference room."

AlterFilipe: James, contact the damn fire bird and send her in. Carnage is going to require assistance. Send in Kano as well, it seems their universe has Thor assisting them...and tell me when Stark is able to pin point which of the 5 is the real Avatar

So how it feel to see your family again boss? Any enlightening

AlterFilipe: Do your job before I get pissed James. The Many Angled Ones are growing restless...

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PostSubject: Re: Heroes Uprising   Heroes Uprising - Page 11 I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 08, 2012 11:14 pm

Troy: Well shit. Sean had to go and be a dumb ass didn't he.

*He neglected the fact he himself use to put himself in harms way cause of Katy.*

Troy: We need to take her down, but can't kill her till we separate her and Sean.

*Alt Felicia was making it hard to concentrate, but the two needed a plan more then brute force.*


*With David seen to, Sandra observed the battle area yet again. She could feel something was coming, Milo was not the only one that had came from the alternate universe.*

Sandra: See what you can do elsewhere David. Watch over your sister.

*Sandra left to help out others.*

*Elsewhere we see a new alternate version appear, no other it seemed then Sandra. She had a sadistic smile as she floated high in the air. Activating the Phoenix powers, with a swipe of her arm alt Sandra sent of a Phoenix Flame attack that destroyed half the island. However no one had died, it seems someone had saved the lives of everyone in harms way.*

Alt Sandra: Is it Milo, or is it me I wonder.

*Finding out the answer seemed somewhat intriguing to her.*


*In the alter-verse shadows accumulated behind alt Filipe.*

...: Trouble I take it. Our alternate friend are stronger then we thought?

*Alter Jet had come in for a update on the events that was unfolding.*


*As Troy struggled to find a way to save Sean, Felicia attacked stopped. A strong telepathic force overwhelmed her as Sandra appeared on the battle field. She used her telepathy to separate the minds of Sean and Felicia and separated them into two bodies. She took Felicia out knocking her out with a powerful telepathic blast.*

Sandra: Do as you will with her, but she won't be a problem any time soon.

*Sandra left Troy's group knowing the other Phoenix who arrived would be on the way.*

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PostSubject: Re: Heroes Uprising   Heroes Uprising - Page 11 I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 15, 2012 6:54 pm

“Keeth just gritted his teeth, he was free from Shawkun’s influence. Being a supernatural entity he never worried about someone mentally dominating him. Unless it was a sexy woman with no clothing on, but he was Amber now so he didn’t even have to worry about that. Until it came to this bullshit, aka soul manipulation. He just took a deep breath, and returned to his physical form for a second before retaining the Ghost Rider state.”

Keeth: Yeah I’m fine, just a little out of it. I hate fucking being controlled, so glad regular telepathy don’t do nothing against me.
“The flash of light causes Felicia to be distracted messing up the spell, but with Sean’s energy she’s instantly recovered, and fires a massive blast of energy to bring Harry down, while also sending forth cosmic energy enhanced by magical immobilization properties towards Troy to leave him in pain while also frozen as if he was a statue.”

Alt Sean: Come on is that all you guys got? YOU Can’t stop me an all powerful being?! Infinite energy, and magical powers?! Haha enough of this so much I can do with these poers.

“With a simple thought she began flying, and began to open up a black hole. However before she was successful Sandra took her down. Leaving Sean breathing heavy seenig Sandra even her power felt overwhelming due to his ablity to harness various energies.”

Sean: God damn, I need to get my weight up…
“Karen just holds “Isabel” but not with enough force to cause her any pain just looking aroudn the island to spot William before going down to 500 feet.”

Karen: William!? Where are you?
Castiel: I may be an Angel of the lord, one of the most powerful beings, but the hell is that thing honestly? I get put in situations such as these.

“Castiel gathers agelic light, saying a prayer to God, before sending out a massive beam of divinity towards the giant creature Alternate Amber summoned.”
“Milo using Peter’s ability causes his speed to be triple that of Alternate Surfer’s allowing him to quickly regenerate and grab Surfer’s arm causnig him extreme pain using excruciation before using a blast of concussive force to send him back, as well as sending out several vectors at him to impale him.”

Milo: Gotta love the classics.
Alternate Surfer: Enough

“As the vecotrs go to impale him, he simply phases through them, using the power cosmic to regenerate, and then flying above Milo unleashing a massive beam meant to deform him on a molecular level, he simply uses Tyrone’s ability of Deflection so isntead of being affected by the technique Surfer is dismantled on a molecular level by his own ability.”

Milo: Fuck..haven’t had to deal with a pissed off Surfer in a while. But it’s not over yet..COME ON Bitch I know a little fucking molecular shit didn’t finish you off, bring the symbiote too I’ll whoop both of you! Oh..fu..

“Milo said as he began to sense more high powers entering this universe from the Alternate Side, it seemed Carnage Surfer would be the least of his worries soon enough causing him to gather the power cosmic in his right hand, and cosmic flames in the other.”
Chulance: The fuck am I suppose to do against something like that?!
Zach: Yeah even with my powers we’d be pretty shit out of luck, but a friggin little girl is going to help fight we might as well try our luck..
Chulance: Fine fine let’s just..Tessla..Sirius you wanna come with?
Sirius: Like I have a choice, we fail the universe is fucked as usual..what do you say Tesla?
“Alter Kano had appeared near Kano his hammer in his hand, seeming rusted, and different, the worthiness enchanments also tampered with, and dark energies swelling around him, as he looked at Jet.”

Alternate Kano: Tell them not to keep their tentacles in a bunch, I’ll make Sure Phoenix is properly backed up.

“With that he took to the skies after swinging his hammer heading to the other world after Alternate Sandra, arriving he laughed seeing the destruction Sandra caused, as well as Thor.”

Alt. Kano: Oh this is gonna be fun.


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PostSubject: Re: Heroes Uprising   Heroes Uprising - Page 11 I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 15, 2012 7:52 pm

Tesla: Lets go and kick some ass, that's what I say.


*Meanwhile Troy and the others are recovering themselves, seeing Sandra quickly take down Felicia and go again.*

Troy: God damnit, we spend so much time trying to fight this bitch then Phoenix just comes by and it's fight over. Well at least it's over now.

*Troy go's over to Sean.*

Troy: Hey dude, how are you?


*Sandra appeared face to face with alt Sandra.*

Alt Sandra: So it is you. Funny, I got the impression Zed had handled you already.
Sandra: Whatever he tried to do, it backfired on him.
Alt Sandra: This world will fall, you should consider changing sides while you still can.
Sandra: Yea, like hell that's happening.
Alt Sandra: What's it all for. Your "friends", the people of this world, those brat kids, that idiot Dave. We're no heroes to them, after all Abby has realized what you really are, hasn't she.

*Sandra wouldn't be swayed so easily and was about to shut her alter self up with Kano appeared.*

Sandra: Well now, isn't this lovely. Now I got to take on myself and Kano.

*Alt Sandra laughed again like a mad women.*

Alt Sandra: This is going to fun, a fresh world to destroy and terror.
Alt Kano: Don't forget our objective.
Alt Sandra: Come Kano, the others has that covered.

*Sandra took the liberty to butt in on their conversation.*

Sandra: I think your forgetting something, ME!

*Sandra quickly blast Kano with the Phoenix flames and took control over Alt Sandra's level, it seemed she wasn't at the level of control Sandra herself was. Sandra go's to finish her alter self right away, destroying her at a sub-atomic level. Her only concern is if he alter self would stay dead, revive in her own verse, or revive in this verse.*

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PostSubject: Re: Heroes Uprising   Heroes Uprising - Page 11 I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 17, 2012 5:40 pm

"Just as Milo is contemplating the new arrivals, something flies past him at FTL speeds and blasts AltSurfer in the face. Ruth stands recovered and ready to fight"

Ruth: I apologize, I lacked preparation for that last attack, it took me a while to recover. I can handle him. Go help the Phoenix"

"AltSurfer recovers and summons a warped version of his board"

Ruth: Come then, vile miserable creature. I shall judge you.


"The summon, obviously feeling Castiel's attack, aims at him and tries to hit him with his massive limbs/tentacles"

Dante: DODGE!

"Dante grabs Fathae and jumps off to the side as the roof begins to collapse. Castiel is about to get hit when suddenly an enochian sigil appears in front of him, creating a holy shield. Stella jumps over that shield As Gally calmly walks up to Cass"

Gally: Castiel, the Angel of Thursday. I am here to assist in the recovery of the three captured humans

"Stella as already gone to work, summoning a massive cannon with her psionic matter creation and opening fire on the tentacle beast"

"Inside the tower, the damage to the infrastructure is causing a collapse as Harry as been knocked out as well, about to get buried in rubble. Troy and Sean both notice this"


Amber: Yeah well, welcome to my life. Getting controlled by evil is what I call a monday. We need a counter attack. It seems the me from the other universe that was opened up is conducting summoning magic. I'd ask Namini for help but...maybe if we go into their world and figure things out from there
Keeth: Incredibly dangerous
Amber: There's probably a way to close that portal, even if at this point it's self sustained...


"William is quick to run outside the mansion where he was apparently conducting first aid on students and signals for Kathy's attention"

William: Over here! Bring her here!


AltFilipe: This is all well and good, but they've hidden both Thanos and the other one from us. We can defeat them utterly but it will be meaningless unless we can find them...


"Meanwhile, the X-Force reappear back on the correct Earth, albeit somewhere in the Australian outback"

Simon: We in the right place? James!

James: Where the hell were you! Things are going downhill very fast. Genosha needs direct backup

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PostSubject: Re: Heroes Uprising   Heroes Uprising - Page 11 I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 17, 2012 7:10 pm

Zach: You heard your girlfriend?
Chulance: Yeah yeah I did we’re gonna get our ass beat
Sirius: You guys are so positive..”Sighs”
Sean: Shit you know, I’m feeling great my girlfriend from another reality mind fucked me, and then Phoenix seperates us, and I feel like I used a condom.

“Sean fell down on his knees huffing and puffing, Alternate Felicia’s precense had drained him more so then usual.”

Sean: Ah Shit Harry!!!

“Sean gathers kinetic energy from around him launching himself towards the collapsing tower phasing through grabbing Harry, and phasing out a wall with the light admiral in his hands as the place starts to collapse, however pushing himself so quickly causes him to loose control of the kinetic energy so both are falling several stories.”

Sean: F..f..Fuck!!!!!
“Alternate Kano grabbed his hammer, absorbing some of the Phoenix’s energies combining them with his own simple molecular manipulation wouldn’t work on a god, but still she was nothing to play with. The power levels he were picking up for her far surpassed that of the version he knew, he drew on powerful energies, before quickly gathering the Odin Force’s limitless powers, and sending out waves of invisible force at Sandra to cause her pain, overwhelm her, and hopefully flatten her like a pancake, while also draining her energy

Alt Kano: bring it on!
Milo: Double teaming? It’s almost unfair considering our level of power. I’ll let you have it, no funf or me seeing as how Sandra’s a super saiyan now. Fuck it Goku, and Vegeta worked together to beat Cooler in the sixth movie.

“Milo vanished reappearing near Alternate Kano raising his finger gathering energy in his finger tips, before grinning.”

Milo: SPIRIT GUN!!!!

“Using concentrated amounts of spirit energy as well as reality manipulation to make it so the attack would affect him as if he was around Yusuke’s level of power, the massive blast of spirit energy slammed into the warped Asgardian sending him flying, causing a massive crater to appear in the ocean that was quickly filled by water again. Hopefully this would give Sandra enough time to use the Phoenix’s power to dispel whatever attack the asgardian had used on her.”
Castiel :OH shit now back up arrives, good to see your still alive Mi..

“He paused before he could say Michael seeing it was Gally, he wasn’t even going to ask questions. He wondered when Uriel would return if ever.

Castiel: I’ve learned not to question these things, I truly have.

“He drew his angel blade, and then using his heavenly energies sent it hurtling towards several tentacles, while also infusing it with an enochian sigil hopefully the explosion would damage the creature while also causing boomerang affect returning his blade to his hands.”
Keeth: I’d hate to see your weekends then, unless there with me, and a private island in Europe, but it dosen’t think like we have much time for vacation planning right now. Alright well if not Namini what about Doom he took your magic once, and he was second best to Strange back in the day, or we can just head into the world I’m fine with either, I’m itching to deal out some of my infamous dirty looks to these immortal bastards.
“Karen moves forward and places the injured Isabel down by William, while also seeing the beast wondering what she can do, she seems Cyber coming down from space unleashing various weaponized defense systems from the Watchtower aimed at the beast.”

Cyber: We will not fall to this behemoth.
Abdul: Home..but not the spot I last remember us being.
Ledge: No shit, we don’t have Kangaroo’s hopping around the base.
Abdul: No need for rudeness..
Ledge: I..whatever let’s just get home. James we need someone to teleport us Genosha, message Sandra or Milo or someone.


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PostSubject: Re: Heroes Uprising   Heroes Uprising - Page 11 I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 17, 2012 7:42 pm

Tesla: What's new, it's a regular day on the job to get out asses beat Chu. Now stop stalling and lets get a move on.


*Troy propelled himself up grabbing Harry and Sean somewhat forcefully, but catching them. He then teleported them back to the ground away from danger using what he knows with the Phoenix.*

Troy: This shit is useful. I got to lean more about these powers.


*Alter Kano had saved alter Sandra from certain death for the moment, Alter Sandra went to attack while Sandra was down. However Sandra overcame alter Kano's effects quickly, especially with Milo's timely intervention. Sandra quickly launched a attack on her alter counterpart, her energies completely overwhelming the other universe Sandra and destroying her.*

Sandra: Bitch will stay dead if she knows what's good for her.

*She then acknowledged appearance.*

Sandra: By my count that 3 from there side out. Milo, Sandra, Felicia. I'd say that put a scare into them. So I take it you came to even the fight Milo.

*Sandra knew they'd have to finish Kano quick. She needed to get to the avatars of death, and stop this other universe's plan. Then they had to deal with the other absorbian that's been hanging around.*

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PostSubject: Re: Heroes Uprising   Heroes Uprising - Page 11 I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 24, 2012 5:20 pm

"Ruth has appeared before Surfer and blasted him with a ray of angelic energy. Just as Surfer recovers, he notices that he's surrounded by Sigils. Ruth speaks enochian incantations and a sphere of heavenly power surrounds and explodes within, the power of countless supernovas unleashing within a contained structure"

Ruth: This one has been han-

"Just then Aaron arrives on the scene with some sound based weaponry built into his armor"

Aaron: Alright so I...well shit
Ruth: I apologize if I made you waste your time Stark, but he raised his hand against an angel with killing intent. I cannot condone that
Aaron: Yeesh...temper


"Meanwhile, the tentacle beast is continuing it's rampage. Amber and Keeth reaper in the remains of the Watchtower"

Amber: Stand back! Castiel! I'm ending this.

"Amber extends her hands, black energy forming around her"

I call tee from the void. Let the darkness wall me in.
I ask that you crush. Give no mercy to this body.

"A black energy shield instantly begins to envelop the beast, starting at four corners around him"


"Harry starts to wake up"

Harry: My head...what...happened?


"William begins to heal Isabel"

William: Kathy! I need you to go towards that beast assault the tower! They probably need help there


"Meanwhile, up in the portal observatory"

Zed: Well shoot...they're repelling the invasion...and Molito has hidden two pieces those dastardly villains need to accomplish their goals. Shawkun, do me a favor, retrieve Thanos's true soul from wherever he hid it so I can reconstitute his body. The Mad Titan, I'm sure, does no appreciate being disembodied


Peter: No need for a teleport

"Peter instantly races all of them to Genosha, 2 at a time (although it might as well be instantly with his speed)"

Simon: Is that that Cthulhu?

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PostSubject: Re: Heroes Uprising   Heroes Uprising - Page 11 I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 24, 2012 7:06 pm

Chulance :Sure it’s routine it still hurts
Zach: Yup
“Sean was still on his knees breathing heavily, whatever happened iside his boy left him drained, unusual for a guy who had unlimited energy.”

Sean: Fuck..I’m tired..haven’t “Breath” being tired in so long.
Milo: Even? Really me make things even more like make it completely unfair the other side, which is good for us, considering this is partially my fault I gotta clean it up!!

“Milo quickly transfers knowledge to Sandra about the location of Thanos’s soul, and Sancho.”

Milo: Keep them safe, I’ll handle these alternate clowns, this is easy. We have two avatars left the way I see it, and an infection to take care of.

“Milo using his powers on Amber amplifies the power of her spell by 1000x, while turning to the recovering Alternate Kano swinging at him as Milo unleashes a blast of raw energy, Kano absorbs it using the anti force.”

Milo: Ah Shit!
Alternate Kano: That’s what your about to be pounded into Ventro!
Milo: I’m breaking your ass!

“Milo snaps as the anti force comes towards him tearing him apart, he reappears behind Alternate Kano using a spell to send the hammer flying while causing immense pain in every one of Alternate Kano’s muscles, making his kryptonite air. He then wraps his arms around his shoulders placing his hands on his head, and unleashes a psioninc blast amplified by the fifth magic completely eradicating his mind leaving him a withered husk.”

Milo: And for the finishing show!!!!!

“Milo kicks him in the air using elastic to elongate his foot to carry Kano high into the atmosphere, he retracts his leg, and flies out above the god at speeds far faster then light then elbows him draining most of his godly essence sending the god plummeting down to the ground slamming down with every single bone broken, and completely mortal. He lands next to him using telekenesis to cause the hammer to fly into his hand, and using Carmen’s power duplicates the powers of the Anodite Gwen Tennyson for a tracking spell his eyes briefly turning pink before teleporting to some of the others hammer still in hand.”

Milo: I think it’s time we take the offensive to the other side, we attack them, get rid of this weed at it’s root.
Siirus: A counter attack huh?

“Castiel appears next to Milo, Sirius, Chulance, Zach ect with GAlly, and Stella whom he teleported away as Amber began her attack.”

Castiel: So what’s the plan?

“Footsteps are heard, and Karen comes to normal size appearing near the group seeing the damage her walking did on the ground surface, Milo just instantly repairs it.”

Milo: No problem, giant size probs.
Karen: haha yeah.

“She pauses Milo still joking even when things weren’t really that humuorous.”
Ledge: I get the feeling this is gonna be one of those missions where I can’t do jack shit
Abdul :I don’t kow what’s worse, that I don’t disapprove of your language in this situation or that I agree with you.


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PostSubject: Re: Heroes Uprising   Heroes Uprising - Page 11 I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 24, 2012 7:30 pm

*Troy responds to Harry first.*

Troy: We was about to get killed most likely. Lucky Phoenix showed up.

*Back to Sean.*

Troy: It'll pass, just rest a few minutes. That bitch probably drained you of your powers.


Shawkun: Anything to make there lives harder.

*Shawkun grinned a bit before looking for Thanos's soul to retrieve it.*


Tesla: Who says there is a plan. It'll probably end how it always ends, us VS them till one side wins.


Sandra: I'm with you on that Milo. We finish this all off.

*She had monitored Sancho encase trouble rose. Sandra had however became aware of Shawkun. Back with Shawkun he's hit with what would seem like the mother of all head aches, his head feeling as if it was about to split apart, and he had to withdraw.*

Shawkun: Phoenix... she's blocking me out from getting Thanos. They must know I was coming.

Owned consoles - Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4.

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PostSubject: Re: Heroes Uprising   Heroes Uprising - Page 11 I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 24, 2012 7:56 pm

Zed: seems Molito is still interesting despite that weakened mortal body...Shawkun hurry if you please


Simon: Agreed. James, what should we do?
James: For now, I'm waiting to see what the League decides on. I'll mobilize you after. Just patch yourselves up, there's a safe house in Genosha, Ledge should know the coordinates. Stay safe


"Aaron lands next to the group as well"

Aaron: Someone find Filipe and the other missing people. And get the three of them out of that thing

Amber: Not there

"Amber had noticed that Aya, Deadpool and Nightmare weren't inside the immobilized beast. She gets up as the beast instantly explodes, Ruth appearing above it carrying Yamairo with her"

Ruth: I assumed you no longer needed the monster
Yamairo: Where are the three of them it captured?
Amber: Gone. The other me must have taken them and escaped. If any of them are the real Avatar...
Aaron: What if they need all 5 of them?

"Dante had put the still out Fathae down"

Dante: So now what?
Amber: Me, Milo and Sandra go into the other world and retrieve the people they took. Seems simple enough.


"Meanwhile, Deadpool is seen regaining his consciousness. He's in the middle of an alter with eldritch tomes drawn everywhere around him. Aya and Nightmare are also there, still out. The tomes seem to converge on a pentagram"

Deadpool: Well shit...where the fuck am I?

"Alt Amber comes out of the shadows"

AltAmber: Wade Wilson, abilities include regeneration and a curse given by Death itself. You are unable to ever die
Deadpool: That's me! And you're...the Parker girl. Although you look sexier somehow? Is it the evil?
AltAmber: Keep it up Wilson, I might just test how far your regeneration goes

"She walks out of the room and is met with Jet and Filipe, alt versions (obviously)"

AltAmber: All of them could potentially power the ritual, but I rather have all five potential ones here. Death of their world knew we were coming. It took precautions, made sure to interact with more individuals than in our world. Made it harder to discern who it blessed as the avatar
AltFilipe: We need to finish this. The Many Angled ones are growing restless. The ones that were killed have already returned, their bodies are reforming. Once that is done, go in again. This time do no underestimate their Phoenix, the archangel and Ventro. I want them out of the way
AltAmber: I have a few...ideas for them. I do have a question though, how did that portal open? A dimensional rift of that stability, self sustained.
AltFilipe: I'm not one to look a gift horse in the eye. The man who made it happened assured me it would remain open for as long as we needed. Jet, make sure the Elder Ones know we're working towards the goal. And Amber, for the love of god this time lets not get creamed
AltAmber: It's not my fault the others are useless. What about the other portals?
AltFilipe: I've already sent people through them. For now, lets focus on Earth. I still can't believe the Elder Ones actually managed to bring together all of the Avatars on a single planet

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